The Proof is on the Roof

By: Shawn Brannan

As a child, my grandmother would say to all of us grandkids, “The devil’s in the details” but none of us understood what she meant. Why was there a demon and what’s a detail?

It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. John Wooden

The older I get the more I understand what she was talking about. In roofing it becomes clear that if you don’t tend to the details, a little thing can quickly become a big (bad) thing!

With your roofing project there are countless details. It doesn’t matter if it’s a shingle project, metal roof or flat roof. If we miss a detail, you will end up with a big problem. At All Elements, we work hard to make sure all the details of your roof are covered.

Little details have special talents in creating big problems! Mehmet Murat Ildan

Why does it cost so much? Why does it take so long? What does a reglet do anyway? Counter flashing or termination bar? What’s your roof deck made of...wood, steel, concrete or Tectum? Do we terminate on the inside or the outside of the parapet wall? Is it brick, concrete, wood or granite? Do you need a full metal cap or will it be acceptable to save some money and install fascia metal? How high are the curbs and pipes? Will the manufacturer issue a warranty for that termination, elevation or substrate? Did that fastener hold or does the wall need to be tuckpointed? Do you need more insulation? Do you need a taper to create positive water flow or does the water overshoot the gutters?

A saddle behind a chimney, a kick-out at a wall or an extra course of Ice & Water Shield can keep your house dry. Ridge vents, turtle vents, a whirly bird or a powered vent...they all have a purpose and can make a difference for your home!

Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail. Leonardo da Vinci

What’s a successful project? To start with, a successful story is a roof that doesn’t leak! It’s a roof that looks good, functions well and outlasts the warranty. It’s a smooth construction project that minimizes the impact to you, your building and everyone around it.

Not every project makes it flawlessly to completion and yes, there are times when things go awry, but we strive to be the best in our industry. We take the details seriously and we recognize how they impact the success of your roofing project. Also, details can impact the cost and duration of the project so we weigh those factors as well.

Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right. Steve Jobs

We utilize best practices for day-to-day activities during installation, hold job recap meetings and we follow up on opportunities to improve. No, we aren’t perfect, but are proud to display the awards we earn for the quality of our work. Check out some of our work: or

Have roofing questions? We’ve got answers! Contact us today at 763.314.0234 or online.

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