Featured Projects: Apartment Management Company uses Gray TPO

There has been a long-standing debate in low slope roofing about the effectiveness of a white, Energy Star roof versus a traditional black Rubber or asphalt roof, but who says everything needs to be black or white? There has got to be a gray area.

All Elements is authorized to install gray from several manufacturers. Gray, as well as Tan and Terra Cotta (think clay flower pot) are all readily available roof membranes.

One of our Apartment Management companies prefers a gray, 60 Mil TPO from GenFlex with a 20 year labor & materials warranty from the manufacturer, another preferred a Dark Gray 60 Mil Duro-Last membrane with a 15 year warranty that includes coverage for consequential damages.

GenFlex Gray

Dark Gray 60 Mil Duro-Last

Duro-Last Tan

Terra Cotta gave a clubhouse a distinctive look and certainly distinguishes it from its neighboring buildings.

Single Ply membranes come in a range of standard colors and patterns (membranes that look like rocks or shingles are available also) but the opportunity exists for custom colors if you feel like a distinctive look, just be prepared to order a large quantity for custom colors. The membranes are installed the same as traditional colors, maintain the same performance and carry the same warranties.

Designer color Single ply membranes add a distinction to your building while giving you the performance you need for your building. Contact us if you're ready to move away from the traditional and try something distinctive for your roof.


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