10 Rounds with Shane Setzer

1. What is one thing you would like building owners to know about (making repairs to) their roof?
On older roofs repairs are typically band aids and it’s only a matter of time before another issue comes up. You will get more value out of replacing your roof, versus spending it on repairs that only last a few years.

If your roof is at half of its life span or less and you’re experiencing issues, there is likely an issue with installation. If there is a leak, it’s typically improper flashing (or lack thereof) along a sidewall or chimney. Another common call that we receive is that the attic vents are leaking. Inexperienced installers cut the shingles too short around the vents which cause them to leak. In these cases, a repair makes sense as there is life left in the shingles.

2. What’s the most common problem you see?
Improper shingle installation is a common problem. There is a 1” nailing strip that installers have to fasten the shingles through. If installers nail outside of that strip, or use less than 6 nails per shingle, you’re going to have issues down the line. Usually these issues come after your 1 year workmanship warranty is up. This is why skilled labor is so important; always follow manufacturer’s specifications!

One of the things I love about All Elements is that we have one residential crew installing roofing; we aren’t subbing out our work to multiple crews so that we can ensure quality, perfect clean up and lifelong customers.

3. What are the worst things to put off repairing?
You want to take care of issues when they start, otherwise you could potentially be looking at much more expense down the line. If it doesn’t look right, or you have a leak, don’t put off a repair.

4. How long have you been in roofing?
5 years

5. What is the thing you’ve done at All Elements that has made you feel the best about doing it?
One of my specialties is getting my customers a fair claim if they’re having issues with their insurance company. I have worked with numerous customers that have had half of their roof paid for, even though the other side shows damage. A lot of time and energy goes into these jobs, and most contractors don’t want to deal with the headache. That’s why I love them, there is nothing more rewarding then going the extra mile for your customer.

6. What’s one roof “hack” you want to share?
I think hack is a bad word to use when it comes to roofing because it insinuates that cutting corners works. It doesn’t.

7. What project is the one you will always remember?
I had a project that had a deflection in the roof and to correct the deflection we had to rebuild the gussets. With every issue that arises there is a valuable lesson to learn. The project turned out beautifully but what a nightmare.

8. What’s one piece of safety advise?
If you start getting tired, you get careless. A ladder is the last thing you want to climb if you’re losing steam. 2nd piece of advise: if they ever design Inspector Gadget springs for shoes -  invest heavily.

9. What’s your favorite lunch spot you’ve discovered?
Moose and Sadies in the North Loop is a great spot for lunch.

10. What’s your favorite song on the radio right now?
I listen to The Current. I don’t have any songs I can’t get out of my head lately.

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