Featured Project: CHS Nutrition, Dickinson, ND

People frequently ask us within what radius we work. All Elements is licensed in five states - Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa - and every year we work in at least four of the five. Our featured project is CHS Nutrition in Dickinson, ND.

The CHS site is a grain elevator. It accepts grain for processing and operates with a series of conveyors, tubes and believe it or not - a “man-o-vator” - a continuously-operating vertical belt that runs in a large loop to bring people up and down. This human tube provides a harrowing experience for any rookie!

This is no ordinary roofing job! On account of the fact that the roof is 140 feet in the air, the harrowing human tube method of transportation and the stiff Western North Dakota winds, finding a contractor who is willing to take this job isn’t easy. When CHS decided it was time to hire a contractor to fix their persistently-leaking roof, they recalled a 2013 All Elements roofing job at a partner site in Corson, SD and called on us again. Needless to say, we were honored.

An inspection of the roof by our All Elements team revealed a history of attempts to fix the leakage. The current roof was an adhered EPDM rubber membrane with top coating. Owner John Thurber proposed removing the existing roof down to the concrete deck to ensure the saturated underlying insulation be completely removed. This would give the new roof a fresh, dry foundation.

After removing the old roof down to the concrete deck as planned, we attached a ½” high density ISO insulation cover board as a recovery board. Because this cover board has a high crush rating it offers great protection from hail and heavy foot traffic.

Next, we installed a peel stop 30 inches from the roof’s edge. This protects the membrane from those high winds North Dakota is notorious for. In fact, during this roofing project those winds kicked up on numerous occasions adding a challenging element for even the most experienced roofing company!

We adhered a 60 mil Duro-Last white PVC membrane to the cover board along with Duro-Last prefabricated curb flashings, Duro-Last prefabricated pipe flashings and Duro-Last prefabricated pitch pockets. We finished off the roof with a metal drip edge and Duro-Last Walk Trac III walk pads for increased traction in all weather conditions.

We are proud to share that CHS Nutrition is now enjoying a roof that will serve them well for years to come. They don’t need to worry about any harsh North Dakota elements because they have a 20 year No Dollar Limit Labor & Materials warranty which includes Consequential Damage Coverage. If you would like to know more about this warranty you can visit Duro-Last’s website at Duro-last.com/warranty.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your roof or would like to learn more about the products and services we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or at 763.314.0234! We would love to speak with you.

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