Checklist for Seasonal Roof Inspection

Spring has come early to Minnesota. Normally in March we're talking about melting snow causing leaks, but this March we're already talking about storm damage. Thunderstorms, tornados, hail and high winds--usually summer phenomenon--have already rolled through. The routine spring inspection typically focuses on damage and debris from winter, but inspecting for storm damage is also necessary this year.

All Elements Roofing can perform regular roof inspections every spring and fall. We offer annual programs or one-time inspections at affordable prices to help protect your capital investment. If you don't sign us up to inspect, be sure to do it yourself. Here's a checklist to help.


A thorough seasonal inspection should:

  • Pay particular attention to the perimeter areas of the roof and the flashings, where the wall intersects with the roof
  • Check for damage from severe winter weather (in spring)
  • Check for summer storm damage (in fall)
  • Identify any preventive action required before winter (in fall)
  • Seek evidence of standing water or “ponding”

Focus on each of these elements:

  • Roof covering
  • Roof edging/fascia
  • Flashing
  • Roof penetrations
  • Expansion joint covers
  • Roof drains
  • Pitch pans
  • Lightning protection systems
  • Supporting structures
  • Interior walls and ceilings (look for water stains, cracks and settling of foundation walls)

To maintain roof integrity, follow these maintenance practices:

  • Keep roof clean and free of debris
  • Keep drainage systems clear and functional
  • Keep adjacent trees trimmed
  • Eliminate / make repairs to areas with standing water
  • Limit penetrations of the roof system
  • Monitor sloped roofs with overhangs for the creation of ice dams and add insulation to the attic as necessary
  • Train maintenance personnel on roof construction and related ongoing maintenance needs
  • Restrict roof access to authorized personnel only

By inspecting regularly, you reduce the need for emergency repairs and can often nip problems in the bud. Buildings in milder climates may get by with less frequent inspection, but never ignore this important task. A roof is a big investment, and it's worth the trouble to improve its lifespan and performance any way you can. Make regular roof inspections part of your preventive maintenance program.

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