What is one thing you would like building owners to know about (making repairs to) their roof?
Caulking is only a temporary fix to a problem
What’s the most common problems you see?
Shingles that are nailed too high
What are the worst things to put off repairing?
Missing or damaged roof & window flashing
How long have you been in roofing?
10 wonderful years
What is the thing you’ve done at All Elements that has made you feel the best about doing it?
Helped a homeowner get their roof approved by insurance when they couldn’t afford a new roof and it was a valid insurance claim
What’s one roof "hack" you want to share?
Count shingle tabs to get measurements in a pinch
What project is the one you will always remember?
Lakepointe Townhomes because it was 2800 square of shingles
What’s one piece of safety advice?
Strap your ladder to the gutter if possible
What’s your favorite lunch spot you’ve discovered?
Blue Stone Grill, Monticello, MN
What’s your favorite song on the radio right now?
Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheran