10 Rounds With Donnie Eickstadt


1. What is one thing you would like building owners to know about (making repairs to) their roof?
Have a reputable company such as All Elements, Inc. do the repair work.

2. What’s the most common problems you see?
Parapets tenting, pulling away from walls causing tears mostly on rubber.

3. What are the worst things to put off repairing?
Leaks – they can cause the insulation under the material to become so saturated it will be a more costly repair.

4. How long have you been in roofing?
12 Years

5. What is the thing you’ve done at All Elements that has made you feel the best about doing it?
Going to crane school and being certified by the NCCO three times in the safe operation of our crane.

6. What’s one roof “hack” you want to share?
I don’t have any, I like to do it right every time.

7. What project is the one you will always remember?
Multiple critical lifts at American Crystal Sugar.

8. What’s one piece of safety advise?
Always think safety first.

9. What’s your favorite lunch spot you’ve discovered?
Monticello VFW

10. What’s your favorite song on the radio right now?
Long Haired Country Boy from Charlie Daniels Band

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